Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Environment, and Physics
Worcester State University, Massachusetts
August, 2020
Postdoctoral Associate
Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS), Rutgers University, New Jersey
Committee: Robert Kopp, Julie Lockwood, Richard Lathrop, Lisa Auermuller
Project title: Quantifying spatial and temporal variability in coastal sedimentation to improve models of tidal marsh response to sea level rise
March, 2018
University of California, Santa Barbara, California
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences
Adviser: Alexander Simms
Committee: Lorraine Lisiecki, Edward Keller
Thesis: The Late Quaternary Evolution of the Southern California Coast: Sea-Level Change, Storms, and Subsidence
June, 2011
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
B.A. in Earth Sciences, cum laude; English Minor
Adviser: Meredith Kelly
Honors Thesis: Pollen, charcoal, and macrofossil analysis of the Occom Pond core and surficial geology of the surrounding area
2020- present: Assistant Professor, Worcester State University: GS140 (Physical Geology); GS225 (Oceanography); GS270 (The Sedimentary Record); EV370 (Lakes and Environmental Change); EV420 (Independent Student Research); EV/GS/GE400 (Environmental Science and Geography Senior Capstone); GS180/380 (Field Geology)
2019: Mentor, Rutgers Undergraduate Experience-Based Research
2018: Geoscientist in the Park (Summer), National Capitol Region, National Park Service
2017: Associate Instructor (Fall): Sedimentology and Stratigraphy; Associate Instructor (Spring): Geology of California; Mentor, UCSB Earth Science Undergraduate Honors Thesis student
2015: Associate Instructor (Spring): Introduction to Oceanography; Mentor, Santa Barbara Channel Long Term Ecological Research undergraduate REU student (Summer)
2014: Teaching Assistant (Winter): Antarctica; Mentor, UCSB Materials Research Laboratory Research Experience for Teachers Program (Summer)
2013: Teaching Assistant (Summer): Summer Field Geology; Teaching Assistant (Spring): Coastal Processes and Management; Teaching Assistant (Winter) History of Life
2012: Teaching Assistant (Fall): Dinosaurs
Reynolds, L. C., Simms, A. R., Rockwell, T. K., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., & Hangsterfer, A. (2022). Sedimentary response of a structural estuary to Holocene coseismic subsidence. GSA Bulletin, 134(7-8), 2037-2050.
Simms, A.R., Bentley, M., Simkins, L.M., Zurbuchen, J., Reynolds, L.C., DeWitt, R., Thomas, E.R. (November 2021). Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” glacial advance within the Antarctic Peninsula –examples from glacially-overrun raised beaches. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. (December 2021). Sedimentary Response of a Mediterranean Climate Estuary to Coseismic Subsidence. GSA Bulletin.
Rice, J.A., Simms, A.R., Buzas-Stephens, P., Steel, E., Livsey, D., Reynolds, L.C., Yokoyama, Y. and Halihan, T., 2020. Deltaic response to climate change: The Holocene history of the Nueces Delta. Global and Planetary Change, 191, p.103213.
Reynolds, L. C., Simms, A. R., Ejarque, A., King, B.L., Anderson, R.S., Carlin, J.A., Bentz, J. M., Rockwell, T. K., Peters, R. B (2018). Coastal flooding and the 1861-2 California storm season. Marine Geology 400: 49-59.
Simms, A. R., Reynolds, L. C., Bentz, J. M., Roman, A., Rockwell, T. K., & Peters, R. B. (2016). Tectonic subsidence of California estuaries increases forecasts of relative sea-level rise. Estuaries and Coasts 39: 1571.
Reynolds, L.C., and Simms, A.R. (2015). Late Quaternary relative sea level in Southern California and Monterey Bay. Quaternary Science Reviews 126: 57-66.
Holmquist, J., Reynolds, L., Brown, L., Southon, J., Simms, A.R., and MacDonald, G. (2015). Marine radiocarbon reservoir values in southern California estuaries: interspecies, latitudinal, and interannual variability. Radiocarbon 57: 449-458.
2023: Aisiku Summer Research Grant, Worcester State University. Water Quality along the Tatnuck Brook; Developing a Lake Ice Thickness Database. PI: Laura Reynolds
2023: Worcester State Foundation Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Fund grant. Water Quality Monitoring of Local Waterways. PIs: Laura Reynolds, Diana Sharpe
2022: Aisiku Interdisciplinary Research Grant, Worcester State University. Water Quality and Biological Diversity Along an Urban Gradient. PIs: Diana Sharpe, Laura Reynolds, Allison Dunn, William Hansen, Meghna Dilip
2021: Worcester State University Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant. Preliminary Assessment of the Water Quality of the Tatnuck Brook Watershed. PI: Laura Reynolds
2020: Faculty Research Activity Grant Program. Extracting sediment and soil cores for environmental analysis. PIs: Laura Reynolds and Douglas Kowalewski
2019: Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C) Grant. Determining accretion rates and carbon content of tidal marsh sediments along the Raritan River and Bay: implications for tidal marsh resilience to future sea level rise. PI: Laura Reynolds, Julie Blum, Kristen Joyse, Margaret Christie, Richard Lathrop
2018: EOAS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Rutgers University
2016: NSF GROW/JSPS Fellowship for Research at the Atmospheric and Ocean Science Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. Stable Isotope Analyses of Estuarine Sediment from Southern California as an Alternative Proxy for Relative Sea-Level Changes on a Variety of Temporal Scales. PI (host): Yusuke Yokoyama
2015: Lloyd and Mary Edwards Field Studies Fellowship, UC Santa Barbara
2015: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2013: Graduate Student Opportunity Grant, UC Santa Barbara. Cyclicity within the Pliocene Marine Rhythmites of the Mud Hills Formation in Anza Borrego Desert State Park, California. PI: Laura Reynolds
2013: Graduate Student Opportunity Grant, UC Santa Barbara. Characterization of deep and shallow marine conglomerates with implications for determining the depositional environment of the Matilija Formation, southern California. PIs: Elisabeth Steel, Laura Reynolds, Lauren Simkins, and Mary Kate Fidler
2013: Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant. Holocene evolution of southern Californian estuaries: sedimentological evidence for tsunamis, subsidence, and sea level changes. PI: Laura Reynolds
2011: Dean of Faculty Research Grants for Honors Thesis Research (John Lindsley Fund Grant; Class of ’86 Research Award Grant), Dartmouth College
Winter Limnology: Using Community Data to understand lakes and reservoirs in a changing world, Dartmouth College Earth Science Seminar, November 2023.
Urban Lakes and Environmental Change, University of Virginia Environmental Science Department Seminar, November 2022.
Urban Geology and Art, Worcester Art Museum Faculty Night, October 2022.
Fires, Floods, and Pollution: The Sedimentary Record of the Anthropocene. Shared Scholarship, Worcester State University, October 2021.
What's mud got to do with it? How the geological record can inform studies on tidal marshes in the Anthropocene, Rutgers University Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, September 2019.
Ghosts of Coastlines Past, Public Interest Talks, New York City, New York, March 2019.
Evidence for Holocene coseismic subsidence in a small southern California estuary, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, March 2018.
Evidence for Holocene Coseismic Subsidence Along the Rincon Creek Fault, Carpinteria, California, Coast Geological Society, Ventura, California, September 2017.
Coastal Hazards in the Sedimentary Record: Megafloods of California's Past, Cal Poly Pomona, May 2016.
Geology of Carpinteria Valley, Parks Department Docent Training Program, Carpinteria, California, February 2015.
Alden Teaching Award Nomination (2023, 2024)
PSSEPM John C. Crowell best graduate dissertation award (2018)
G.K. Gilbert Award, UC Santa Barbara (2016)
Outstanding Student Paper Award, AGU Annual Meeting (2015)
Alumni Graduate Award for Research Excellence (2014, 2017)
High Honors, Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College (2011)
Upham Geology Award for thesis research, Dartmouth College (2011)
Sediment core extraction, outcrop analysis, seismic data collection, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data collection, glacial surficial geological mapping, differential and RTK GPS data collection. Field work performed in the Connecticut River Valley, New Hampshire; coastal New Jersey, Washington, and California; the Channel Islands, California; Corpus Christi, Texas; Anza Borrego Desert, California; and Joinville Island, Antarctica.
Appalachian Mountain Club volunteer hike leader (2023-present)
Princeton, Massachusetts Open Space Committee (2022-present)
Tatnuck Brook Watershed Association member (2020-present)
New Jersey Tidal Wetlands Monitoring Network (NJTWMN), Steering Committee and Data Work Group Member (2020- present)
Skype-a-scientist, Volunteer (2019-present)
Science 2 Science, Inc. Virtual Mentor (2018)
EARTH Magazine Extern, American Geosciences Institute (2017)
Education and Outreach Co-Chair, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), University of California Santa Barbara (2014-2016)
Graduate Student Faculty Liaison, UC Santa Barbara Department of Earth Sciences (2014)
Academic Coach, Summer Enrichment At Dartmouth (SEAD) Program (2009)
NAGT-SERC Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop (2022)
Paleoclimate to Policy Workshop (2019)
Coastlines and People (CoPe) Scoping Session (2018)
POLENET Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School (2015)
* indicates student presentation
Smith, K.C.*, Reynolds, L.C., Kenney, W. Anthropocene history of an urban lake, Worcester, Massachusetts, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Dellert, C.*, Reynolds, L.C., Simkins, L.M., McKenzie, M., Kenney, W., Carbon content of coastal lake sediments from Whidbey Island, Washington State, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Dunn, A., Dellert, C.*, Dilip, M., Hansen, W, Reynolds, L.C., Sharpe, D., Bishop, A.*, Humphrey, S.*, Smith-Mickunas, K.*, Simpson, A.*, Trudell, Z.*, Maynard, E.* Streamwater salinization across an urbanization gradient in Worcester, Massachusetts, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Reynolds, L.C., Web forum and search trend data as alternative data sources for lake ice duration and thickness, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. An Estuarine Record of Paleofloods from Coastal Southern California, Pacific Climate Workshop, Monterey, CA, February 2019.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. Holocene Hydroclimate in Coastal Southern California, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., December 2018.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. Evidence for Holocene coseismic subsidence during a non- plate boundary earthquake American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 2017.
Reynolds, L. C., Simms, A. R., Ejarque, A., King, B.L., Anderson, R.S., Carlin, J.A., Bentz, J. M., Rockwell, T. K., Peters, R. B. Variability in sedimentation rates in southern Californian estuaries from the late Holocene through the Anthropocene, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Providence, Rhode Island, October 2017.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. Holocene coseismic subsidence along a non-subducting active margin. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Sept. 2017.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Carlin, J. (2016) Sedimentary Record of Recent Flood Events From Sauces Canyon, Santa Cruz Island, California, University of California Natural Reserve System Mathias Symposium, Bodega Bay, California, March, 2016.
Reynolds, L.C., Truong, M., Ejarque, A., Simms, A.R., Anderson, S., Dating historical sediments in estuaries: A multi-proxy approach, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December, 2015.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., (2015) Holocene Sea Level History for Southern California and Elkhorn Slough, INQUA International Congress XIX, Nagoya, Japan, July, 2015.
Steel, E., Simkins, L.M., Reynolds, L.R., Fidler, M.K. (2014) Characterization of the Elephant Trees Formation, Anza Borrego with implications for determining the depositional environments of conglomeratic debris flows, Poster, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA, October 2014.
Reynolds, L.C., Holmquist, J.R, Brown, L.N., Southon, J.R., Simms, A.R., MacDonald, G.M., (2014) Radiocarbon Reservoir Variability in California Estuaries, Oral Presentation, Radiocarbon in the Environment, Belfast, U.K., August 2014.
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth, Environment, and Physics
Worcester State University, Massachusetts
August, 2020
Postdoctoral Associate
Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (EOAS), Rutgers University, New Jersey
Committee: Robert Kopp, Julie Lockwood, Richard Lathrop, Lisa Auermuller
Project title: Quantifying spatial and temporal variability in coastal sedimentation to improve models of tidal marsh response to sea level rise
March, 2018
University of California, Santa Barbara, California
Ph.D. in Geological Sciences
Adviser: Alexander Simms
Committee: Lorraine Lisiecki, Edward Keller
Thesis: The Late Quaternary Evolution of the Southern California Coast: Sea-Level Change, Storms, and Subsidence
June, 2011
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
B.A. in Earth Sciences, cum laude; English Minor
Adviser: Meredith Kelly
Honors Thesis: Pollen, charcoal, and macrofossil analysis of the Occom Pond core and surficial geology of the surrounding area
2020- present: Assistant Professor, Worcester State University: GS140 (Physical Geology); GS225 (Oceanography); GS270 (The Sedimentary Record); EV370 (Lakes and Environmental Change); EV420 (Independent Student Research); EV/GS/GE400 (Environmental Science and Geography Senior Capstone); GS180/380 (Field Geology)
2019: Mentor, Rutgers Undergraduate Experience-Based Research
2018: Geoscientist in the Park (Summer), National Capitol Region, National Park Service
2017: Associate Instructor (Fall): Sedimentology and Stratigraphy; Associate Instructor (Spring): Geology of California; Mentor, UCSB Earth Science Undergraduate Honors Thesis student
2015: Associate Instructor (Spring): Introduction to Oceanography; Mentor, Santa Barbara Channel Long Term Ecological Research undergraduate REU student (Summer)
2014: Teaching Assistant (Winter): Antarctica; Mentor, UCSB Materials Research Laboratory Research Experience for Teachers Program (Summer)
2013: Teaching Assistant (Summer): Summer Field Geology; Teaching Assistant (Spring): Coastal Processes and Management; Teaching Assistant (Winter) History of Life
2012: Teaching Assistant (Fall): Dinosaurs
Reynolds, L. C., Simms, A. R., Rockwell, T. K., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., & Hangsterfer, A. (2022). Sedimentary response of a structural estuary to Holocene coseismic subsidence. GSA Bulletin, 134(7-8), 2037-2050.
Simms, A.R., Bentley, M., Simkins, L.M., Zurbuchen, J., Reynolds, L.C., DeWitt, R., Thomas, E.R. (November 2021). Evidence for a “Little Ice Age” glacial advance within the Antarctic Peninsula –examples from glacially-overrun raised beaches. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. (December 2021). Sedimentary Response of a Mediterranean Climate Estuary to Coseismic Subsidence. GSA Bulletin.
Rice, J.A., Simms, A.R., Buzas-Stephens, P., Steel, E., Livsey, D., Reynolds, L.C., Yokoyama, Y. and Halihan, T., 2020. Deltaic response to climate change: The Holocene history of the Nueces Delta. Global and Planetary Change, 191, p.103213.
Reynolds, L. C., Simms, A. R., Ejarque, A., King, B.L., Anderson, R.S., Carlin, J.A., Bentz, J. M., Rockwell, T. K., Peters, R. B (2018). Coastal flooding and the 1861-2 California storm season. Marine Geology 400: 49-59.
Simms, A. R., Reynolds, L. C., Bentz, J. M., Roman, A., Rockwell, T. K., & Peters, R. B. (2016). Tectonic subsidence of California estuaries increases forecasts of relative sea-level rise. Estuaries and Coasts 39: 1571.
Reynolds, L.C., and Simms, A.R. (2015). Late Quaternary relative sea level in Southern California and Monterey Bay. Quaternary Science Reviews 126: 57-66.
Holmquist, J., Reynolds, L., Brown, L., Southon, J., Simms, A.R., and MacDonald, G. (2015). Marine radiocarbon reservoir values in southern California estuaries: interspecies, latitudinal, and interannual variability. Radiocarbon 57: 449-458.
2023: Aisiku Summer Research Grant, Worcester State University. Water Quality along the Tatnuck Brook; Developing a Lake Ice Thickness Database. PI: Laura Reynolds
2023: Worcester State Foundation Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Fund grant. Water Quality Monitoring of Local Waterways. PIs: Laura Reynolds, Diana Sharpe
2022: Aisiku Interdisciplinary Research Grant, Worcester State University. Water Quality and Biological Diversity Along an Urban Gradient. PIs: Diana Sharpe, Laura Reynolds, Allison Dunn, William Hansen, Meghna Dilip
2021: Worcester State University Faculty Scholarship and Creative Activity Grant. Preliminary Assessment of the Water Quality of the Tatnuck Brook Watershed. PI: Laura Reynolds
2020: Faculty Research Activity Grant Program. Extracting sediment and soil cores for environmental analysis. PIs: Laura Reynolds and Douglas Kowalewski
2019: Rutgers Raritan River Consortium (R3C) Grant. Determining accretion rates and carbon content of tidal marsh sediments along the Raritan River and Bay: implications for tidal marsh resilience to future sea level rise. PI: Laura Reynolds, Julie Blum, Kristen Joyse, Margaret Christie, Richard Lathrop
2018: EOAS Postdoctoral Fellowship, Rutgers University
2016: NSF GROW/JSPS Fellowship for Research at the Atmospheric and Ocean Science Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. Stable Isotope Analyses of Estuarine Sediment from Southern California as an Alternative Proxy for Relative Sea-Level Changes on a Variety of Temporal Scales. PI (host): Yusuke Yokoyama
2015: Lloyd and Mary Edwards Field Studies Fellowship, UC Santa Barbara
2015: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2013: Graduate Student Opportunity Grant, UC Santa Barbara. Cyclicity within the Pliocene Marine Rhythmites of the Mud Hills Formation in Anza Borrego Desert State Park, California. PI: Laura Reynolds
2013: Graduate Student Opportunity Grant, UC Santa Barbara. Characterization of deep and shallow marine conglomerates with implications for determining the depositional environment of the Matilija Formation, southern California. PIs: Elisabeth Steel, Laura Reynolds, Lauren Simkins, and Mary Kate Fidler
2013: Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant. Holocene evolution of southern Californian estuaries: sedimentological evidence for tsunamis, subsidence, and sea level changes. PI: Laura Reynolds
2011: Dean of Faculty Research Grants for Honors Thesis Research (John Lindsley Fund Grant; Class of ’86 Research Award Grant), Dartmouth College
Winter Limnology: Using Community Data to understand lakes and reservoirs in a changing world, Dartmouth College Earth Science Seminar, November 2023.
Urban Lakes and Environmental Change, University of Virginia Environmental Science Department Seminar, November 2022.
Urban Geology and Art, Worcester Art Museum Faculty Night, October 2022.
Fires, Floods, and Pollution: The Sedimentary Record of the Anthropocene. Shared Scholarship, Worcester State University, October 2021.
What's mud got to do with it? How the geological record can inform studies on tidal marshes in the Anthropocene, Rutgers University Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, September 2019.
Ghosts of Coastlines Past, Public Interest Talks, New York City, New York, March 2019.
Evidence for Holocene coseismic subsidence in a small southern California estuary, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, March 2018.
Evidence for Holocene Coseismic Subsidence Along the Rincon Creek Fault, Carpinteria, California, Coast Geological Society, Ventura, California, September 2017.
Coastal Hazards in the Sedimentary Record: Megafloods of California's Past, Cal Poly Pomona, May 2016.
Geology of Carpinteria Valley, Parks Department Docent Training Program, Carpinteria, California, February 2015.
Alden Teaching Award Nomination (2023, 2024)
PSSEPM John C. Crowell best graduate dissertation award (2018)
G.K. Gilbert Award, UC Santa Barbara (2016)
Outstanding Student Paper Award, AGU Annual Meeting (2015)
Alumni Graduate Award for Research Excellence (2014, 2017)
High Honors, Earth Sciences, Dartmouth College (2011)
Upham Geology Award for thesis research, Dartmouth College (2011)
Sediment core extraction, outcrop analysis, seismic data collection, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data collection, glacial surficial geological mapping, differential and RTK GPS data collection. Field work performed in the Connecticut River Valley, New Hampshire; coastal New Jersey, Washington, and California; the Channel Islands, California; Corpus Christi, Texas; Anza Borrego Desert, California; and Joinville Island, Antarctica.
Appalachian Mountain Club volunteer hike leader (2023-present)
Princeton, Massachusetts Open Space Committee (2022-present)
Tatnuck Brook Watershed Association member (2020-present)
New Jersey Tidal Wetlands Monitoring Network (NJTWMN), Steering Committee and Data Work Group Member (2020- present)
Skype-a-scientist, Volunteer (2019-present)
Science 2 Science, Inc. Virtual Mentor (2018)
EARTH Magazine Extern, American Geosciences Institute (2017)
Education and Outreach Co-Chair, Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE), University of California Santa Barbara (2014-2016)
Graduate Student Faculty Liaison, UC Santa Barbara Department of Earth Sciences (2014)
Academic Coach, Summer Enrichment At Dartmouth (SEAD) Program (2009)
NAGT-SERC Early Career Geoscience Faculty Workshop (2022)
Paleoclimate to Policy Workshop (2019)
Coastlines and People (CoPe) Scoping Session (2018)
POLENET Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School (2015)
* indicates student presentation
Smith, K.C.*, Reynolds, L.C., Kenney, W. Anthropocene history of an urban lake, Worcester, Massachusetts, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Dellert, C.*, Reynolds, L.C., Simkins, L.M., McKenzie, M., Kenney, W., Carbon content of coastal lake sediments from Whidbey Island, Washington State, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Dunn, A., Dellert, C.*, Dilip, M., Hansen, W, Reynolds, L.C., Sharpe, D., Bishop, A.*, Humphrey, S.*, Smith-Mickunas, K.*, Simpson, A.*, Trudell, Z.*, Maynard, E.* Streamwater salinization across an urbanization gradient in Worcester, Massachusetts, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Reynolds, L.C., Web forum and search trend data as alternative data sources for lake ice duration and thickness, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 2022.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. An Estuarine Record of Paleofloods from Coastal Southern California, Pacific Climate Workshop, Monterey, CA, February 2019.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. Holocene Hydroclimate in Coastal Southern California, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., December 2018.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. Evidence for Holocene coseismic subsidence during a non- plate boundary earthquake American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, December 2017.
Reynolds, L. C., Simms, A. R., Ejarque, A., King, B.L., Anderson, R.S., Carlin, J.A., Bentz, J. M., Rockwell, T. K., Peters, R. B. Variability in sedimentation rates in southern Californian estuaries from the late Holocene through the Anthropocene, Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Providence, Rhode Island, October 2017.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Rockwell, T.K., Yokoyama, Y., Mijairi, Y., Hangsterfer, A. Holocene coseismic subsidence along a non-subducting active margin. Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, Sept. 2017.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., Carlin, J. (2016) Sedimentary Record of Recent Flood Events From Sauces Canyon, Santa Cruz Island, California, University of California Natural Reserve System Mathias Symposium, Bodega Bay, California, March, 2016.
Reynolds, L.C., Truong, M., Ejarque, A., Simms, A.R., Anderson, S., Dating historical sediments in estuaries: A multi-proxy approach, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December, 2015.
Reynolds, L.C., Simms, A.R., (2015) Holocene Sea Level History for Southern California and Elkhorn Slough, INQUA International Congress XIX, Nagoya, Japan, July, 2015.
Steel, E., Simkins, L.M., Reynolds, L.R., Fidler, M.K. (2014) Characterization of the Elephant Trees Formation, Anza Borrego with implications for determining the depositional environments of conglomeratic debris flows, Poster, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA, October 2014.
Reynolds, L.C., Holmquist, J.R, Brown, L.N., Southon, J.R., Simms, A.R., MacDonald, G.M., (2014) Radiocarbon Reservoir Variability in California Estuaries, Oral Presentation, Radiocarbon in the Environment, Belfast, U.K., August 2014.